While spending another evening at home working on work, I finally decided I'd had enough of occasionally reaching for my desktop mouse while working on my MBP and the brief moment of confusion that follows when the PC mouse fails to move the Mac pointer, so I installed Synergy, which I last played with about five years ago. Setting it up on a Mac is a royal pain, so if you're interested in doing what I did - installing Synergy on a Windows 7 box and an MBP running Snow Leopard on the same local network so you can use one mouse/keyboard between the two of them (without extra hardware) - then follow these steps:
Step 1 - Download Synergy
Download the Synergy installer on each system:
Step 2 - Install
Synergy on the Mac
On the Mac, double-click to unzip the archive and then navigate to the new directory in Terminal. Then move the two executables to /usr/bin:
sudo synergy* /usr/bin/
Go to /usr/bin/ in Terminal and change the permissions on the two files:
sudo chmod 755 synergyc
sudo chmod 755 synergys
Step 3 - Install
Synergy on the PC
Double-click the installer.
Step 4 - Download QSynergy
QSynergy is a cross-platform front-end for Synergy, download it on both systems:
Step 5 - Install
QSynergy on the Mac
Double-click the installer and command-tab over to the new Finder window. Open a new Finder window and navigate to the Applications folder. Drag the QSynergy.app icon into the Applications folder.
Step 6 - Install
QSynergy on the PC
Double-click the installer.
Step 7 - Configure QSynergy on the PC
Run QSynergy (tap Start, type the first few letters of QSynergy and hit Enter). Check "Use this computer to control others", click "Interactively configure synergy" and click the "Configure Server" button.
A monitor icon for your Windows system should already be present in the center of the grid. Drag the monitor icon in the upper right down into the grid to add a screen for your Mac. Place it wherever you'd like the screen to exist "virtually", so that when you move your mouse to that edge of your Windows monitor the pointer moves into the Mac monitor.
Double-click the icon for the new screen you just added to configure it. All you need to do is add your Mac's WINS name to the "Screen name" field, followed by ".home". To check your WINS name on your Mac, go to Apple menu > System Preferences > Network > Click the active network connection > Click the "Advanced" button > Click the WINS tab > Look in the "NetBIOS Name" field.
Type the name in the "Screen name" field on your Windows box, followed by ".home", ex:
Click OK and you're done.
Step 8 - Configure QSynergy on the Mac
Run QSynergy (tap COMMAND + SPACE, type the first few letters of "QSynergy" into the Spotlight field in the upper right, make sure "QSynergy.app" is highlighted and hit Enter). Check "Control this computer from another one" and type the name of your Windows box into the "Name of the server" field. To check the name, tap Start on your Windows box, right-click "Computer", select Properties, and look at the value for "Computer name".
Type the name into the "Name of the server" field on your Mac.
Note: if you have trouble connecting later, try typing your Windows box's IP address into this field instead of the name.
Step 9 - Run the server on the PC
Click the "Start" button in the QSynergy window on your PC.
Step 10 - Run the client on the Mac
Click the "Start" button in the QSynergy window on your Mac.
Step 11 - Check that it works
If the Synergy system tray icon on the Windows box displays a little lightning bolt, the connection's been established. Try moving your Windows mouse pointer past the edge you chose during configuration on your Windows monitor. If you don't remember which edge you chose, try all four of them! If everything works, your Mac pointer should suddenly start moving with your PC mouse as soon as you've moved the Windows pointer past the chosen edge. You should be able to move it freely between the two monitors.
These steps "just worked" for me. If they don't work for you, try the QSynergy support page: